Today marks the start of Child Abuse Prevention Month, an observation led locally each April by the Exchange Club Family Resource Center. The slate of activities for the month will kick off with the Placement of the Pinwheels this afternoon at 1:30 pm at the Rome-Floyd Chamber, located at the corner of Riverside Parkway and Broad Street. Those who plan to attend are asked to wear a mask and practice social distancing.

Tina Bartleson, FRC Executive Director, indicates that in years past, each of the pinwheels represented a local case of child abuse and neglect. This year, they’ll represent families receiving child abuse prevention services.

Additional CAP Month activities will include a presentation by Rome-Floyd County Commission on Children and Youth Director LaDonna Collins at the Rome Exchange Club meeting on Friday, April 23rd. A new event, called the “Glow Walk” is set for that evening.

Updates on CAP Month are posted on Facebook; search for Exchange Club Family Resource Center.

The theme for this year’s observance is “Bringing the Light of Prevention to Our Community”.

April is also observed as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. That observance is led in Rome and Floyd County by the Sexual Assault Center of NWGA.