It’s almost March, and that means Spring is just around the corner! Now is a good time to prepare for the season, indicates Keith Mickler, UGA Extension Agent for Floyd County. Some ways to do that include pruning shrubs, roses, crape myrtles and ornamental grasses. Also, be sure that all of your lawn and garden equipment is in proper working order.
Now is also a good time to get a soil test to ensure that your lawn and garden are prime for planting. The test provides data which is critical to plant health, production, and growth, says Mickler. It may be obtained by taking a bag of your soil to the UGA Extension Office, located at the county’s Administration Building on East 4th Avenue in downtown Rome. Make sure it’s a substantial sample, urges Mickler! The cost for the soil test is $9.
For more details about the soil test or other agricultural information, contact Floyd County’s UGA Extension Office by phone at (706) 295-6210.