Playa Azul Media (PAM) Studios, the first Latina-owed production company in Georgia, has announced the purchase of commercial space to build its first two sound studios in downtown Rome. This space is located above Jamwich at 510 Broad Street.

According to an announcement from Rhythm Communications that was sent on Thursday, PAM Studios, which is based out of Atlanta, already has a slate of projects that are scheduled to begin filming in July. A VIP Grand Opening and Celebration will be held at the new studio in September.

Founder and CEO Maria Guerra-Stoll asserts, “PAM Studios seeks to portray and showcase the perspectives of women and minorities that aren’t currently being represented accurately or respectfully.”

Guerra-Stoll adds, “Opening our first studio location in Rome allows us to broaden our horizons in film production, leverage the natural beauty of the town as our backlot, shine a spotlight on the city’s independent film industry, and enhance the tourism initiatives of West Georgia.”

For more information about the company, its slate of upcoming film and TV productions, or its YouTube channel, visit