(Media release from Rome City Schools):
Changes are coming to the Rome City Schools’ budget. Superintendent Louis Byars and the RCS Board of Education held a work session on Jan. 25 to discuss the details, and to let the public know why these changes are important to the mission of the system.
The first item of business was a change in all Salary Schedules planned for the 2022-2023 school year. This change is to acknowledge the hard work of the faculty and staff, while aiding in the recruitment of highly qualified teachers, as well as other positions, who are looking for career opportunities.
The changes include:
– Salary increases for ALL system positions
– Paraprofessionals will be paid for additional days and hours
– Salary Schedules will extend past 21-plus years of service to 31-plus years of service
– Elementary School Bookkeepers will move to 240 work days
– Local supplement for certified personnel will change from 6% to 7.5%
System employees will also receive a $2000 bonus this school year pending Gov. Kemp’s recommended budget passing in the Georgia Legislature.
In addition to the Salary Schedule improvements, Rome City Schools will increase personnel to include:
– 6 Elementary STEAM teachers
– 5 Special Education Teachers
– 11 Additional Teachers
– 1 & a half Assistant Principal
– 1 Custodian
– 1 Administrative Assistant (Registrar)
– 1 Diagnostician and Board-Certified Behavior Analyst
– Along with other positions
Interested applicants may visit https://teachgeorgia.org/AdvSearch.aspx?Subjects=All… or the system’s website https://www.rcs.rome.ga.us/page/human-resources for more information.
Byars also updated the Board on the proposed ESPLOST projects.