The time is drawing ever nearer for more ‘dancing in the streets’ of downtown Rome!
The line-up for the ’22 First Friday concert series will soon be announced by Rome’s Downtown Development Authority. Megan Otwell, Public Relations Director, urges locals to stay tuned to Downtown Rome, GA on social media for updates.
Concerts will take place on the first Friday of each month from June through September on the Town Green in downtown Rome. Otwell attests that many people were happy about the return of First Fridays in 2021 after the concert series was replaced for a few years with Downtown Saturdays. The concerts for 2022 will feature opening acts.
Vendors are now sought for the Ellen Axson Wilson ArtsFest, scheduled for Saturday, May 7th. The application is available at and on social media, says Otwell.
The applications for the annual ArtsFest will be accepted through early April, adds Otwell, though some late entries could be permitted.
Rounding out the Rome DDA’s slate of events for 2022 will be Fiddlin’ Fest, set for Saturday, October 8th.
These events are supported financially by downtown’s Business Improvement District (BID), which is comprised of business and property owners.
The Rome DDA’s Board of Directors will gather for their March meeting this Thursday at 8:30 am in the training room of the Carnegie Building.