(Floyd County media release):
The Floyd County Board of Commissioners (BOC) and the Floyd County Board of Elections and Registration (BOER) announced today that James Stephens has declined the position of Floyd County Elections Supervisor. Pete McDonald who has been currently serving as the interim Elections Supervisor, along with Steve Miller, will take over as the sole interim Elections Supervisor.
McDonald previously served six years as the Chair of the BOER where he functioned as the superintendent of elections. He has lived and worked in Floyd County since 1977. During this time, McDonald was employed by Georgia Northwestern Technical College for twenty-nine years. His last six years were spent as president of the college. He retired in 2019. McDonald has also served as a past chair of the Rome-Floyd Chamber of Commerce and a vice chair of the Rome-Floyd Development Authority.
The Elections and Voter Registration Office is completing the move to its new location at 18 East 12th Street, which is co-located with the Floyd County Health Department. The immediate focus of the office is to complete the redistricting process for the upcoming May 24th primary. Absentee ballots will be mailed out by mid-April. Ballots will be available prior to early voting beginning on May 2. The technical preparation of the election equipment (L&A testing) will be finalized by the end of April. Early voting will begin May 2 at the new Elections location at 18 East 12th Street and the Anthony Recreation Center located at 2901 Garden Lakes Boulevard NW.
For more information, please contact the Elections and Registration Office at 706-291-5167.