(Media release from Georgia Department of Human Services):
Starting June 1, 2022, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits will return to normal levels in Georgia. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has approved a one-month transition time this May for Georgia to go from pandemic to non-pandemic SNAP benefit levels.
To fight the negative economic impacts of COVID-19, Congress passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act in March 2020. This law allowed states to waive certain eligibility requirements and add a minimum of $95 to each SNAP household’s monthly benefits. Beginning in June, each SNAP household in Georgia will receive benefits based on the usual factors in determining eligibility, including household size, income, and deductions.
With this change, each SNAP household’s benefits will vary based on their income and costs. Customers can report changes to income or costs by visiting gateway.ga.gov or calling 877-423-4746. If your household currently receives SNAP, please check your most recent Notice of Decision to see the amount of benefits that you will receive starting in June.
For more information, please visit dfcs.georgia.gov/snap-food-stamps/p-snap. Customers can check their benefits and view transaction history quickly and securely at gateway.georgia.gov. Customers can always call the Customer Contact Center at 877-423-4746 or visit our mobile site at m.gateway.ga.gov from their smartphone or tablet.