(Media release from Floyd County, GA):
Cornerstone Concrete Development, LLC began work last week to replace the culvert on Blacks Bluff Road, near the Lock and Dam. The failing, metal culvert had a 13’ diameter with about 30’ of cover. The initial emergency repair bid in the Spring of 2021 was for $1.2 million. Since Old Bluff Road could be used as a convenient detour, County officials opted to investigate other options to save money. A redesign from County Engineer Jeff Burns was used to replace the pipe with two 9’ concrete box culverts which will easily handle the capacity, and last many more years than a metal pipe. While the redesign was in progress, the County sought additional aid from the Georgia Department of Transportation. GDOT granted over $260,000 to assist with the project through their Local Maintenance Improvement Grant (LMIG) emergency repair fund.
Once the redesign was complete, the project was open for bidding. The low bid was submitted by Cornerstone at nearly $800,000 – saving $400,000 from the emergency repair price last year. In addition, the County received federal funding through the America Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and it was determined that those funds could be used for a storm water project. Those funds, along with the assistance from GDOT, helped the County fund the majority of the project without any of Floyd County’s General Fund money being required to complete this project.
While the delay was not ideal by any means, Floyd County was able to save tax payers $1.2 Million using some due diligence.
*Floyd County will be required to provide up to a 30% match for the funds from GDOT. The 30% match of $78,000 will come from the County Public Works account to purchase and install new guard rail and any other shoulder work needed.