Appointments are currently being scheduled online for the next Household Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Recycling Event that will be hosted by the Rome Floyd Recycling Center, located at 412 Lavender Drive, on Saturday, September 17th from 9 am to 3 pm.
Recyclers may schedule appointments via phone at (706) 291-5266 starting on September 1st, attests Emma Wells, the Director of Solid Waste for Floyd County.
Online scheduling is easy, convenient, and growing in popularity, says Wells, who adds that about 80 percent of local recyclers took advantage of it for the last recycling event in July. It was first offered back in January.
Visit to schedule an appointment for the September 17th recycling event. Again, appointments may be made by calling the Rome Floyd County Recycling Center at (706) 291-5266 beginning on September 1st.
All appointments must be made in advance of this event, which is open only to residents of Floyd County.