(Media release from the Georgia’s Rome Office of Tourism):
The Georgia’s Rome Welcome Center and Gift Shop is now selling tickets for the 19th annual Empty Bowls to be held Monday, November 14 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Rome Civic Center.
Attendees will receive a meal that includes a choice of soups, salad, bread, and cookies along with a unique, handmade bowl crafted by a potter. The Moon Crew will perform live music during the event. Many local restaurants have joined in to donate all the food. Attendees can opt to dine-in or pick-up through the drive-thru.
Tickets are $25 in advance (cash or check only) and are available at the Georgia’s Rome Welcome Center and Gift Shop located beside the Civic Center (across from Applebee’s) at 402 Civic Center Drive. A limited number of tickets are available; the welcome center is not able to hold tickets.
Funds raised from the Empty Bowls will benefit a local nonprofit to provide food to locals in need. Last year’s event generated $6,691 for the Community Kitchen. The recipients for this year’s event have not been chosen yet. The organizing committee is accepting applications from area nonprofits. Applicants cannot receive state, federal or local funding for food.
Empty Bowls of Rome was started in 2003 by the late Tesa DuPre. Tesa was a quiet, generous giver who once said her proudest accomplishment was bringing Empty Bowls to Rome, Georgia. The event brings together a commitment to help others, love for pottery, and what Tesa described as a ‘down home’ community who comes together to support a good cause.
For event questions, contact Jody Jones at 706-295-5576.