Tales of Cave Spring, Georgia’s storied past will be told at the annual Cave Spring Ghost Tours slated for this Friday, October 28th at 7 pm and Saturday, October 29th at 6:30 pm.
Larry Dolan, Executive Director of the Cave Spring Downtown Development Authority, describes the tours as family-friendly and not too scary.
During the ghost tours, actors tell the stories lurking behind the centuries-old buildings around Cave Spring, adds Dolan.
Cave Spring’s cave will be among the destinations on the tour. That cave has a totally different atmosphere at night than during the daytime, says Dolan. It was part of last year’s tour and will be featured again this year due to popular demand.
Tickets for the tours may be purchased online at www.cavespringga.com at a cost of $10 for adults through Friday; that price increases to $15 each on the day of the event. Children ages 6-11 may participate at a cost of $5 each, and ages six and under will be admitted free.
Dolan encourages visitors to Cave Spring to have dinner at a local restaurant prior to the tour.
All of the participants in the Cave Spring Ghost Tours are requested to meet at Rolator Park.