(Media release from Georgia Highlands College):
Georgia Highlands College (GHC) has partnered with Rehabilitation Enables Dreams (RED) to offer college access to students in the RED “Restorative Justice Program.”
RED works with young people who have been referred to court by offering a one-year program designed to help each person become a better person, a better citizen, and work toward social advancement.
The “Restorative Justice Program” creates a classroom atmosphere inside the courtroom and treats program participants as students rather than criminals. RED’s curriculum is structured to develop a student’s social, civic, financial, and digital literacy through task-oriented learning, engaging workshops, and interactive evidence based educational modules.
Students are paired with appropriate mentors based on an individual-needs intake assessment. Mentors support students in their personal development and guide them in the completion of program requirements.
Upon graduation, students’ charges are dropped, records are restricted and sealed, and they are referred to higher education institutions and/or employment opportunities.
GHC will be joining the “Restorative Justice Program” as a low-cost college option offering a number of career-focused associate and bachelor’s degrees.