(Media release from Atrium Health Floyd):
Sometimes anticipating those everyday needs of a patient or a family member makes the care a nurse provide even more memorable. That was the case for the actions of Marcus Spears, a registered nurse at Atrium Health Floyd Medical Center, who earned the praise of two different families.
As a result, Spears earned the October DAISY Award.
The DAISY Award is an international program that recognizes nurses for the exceptional care they provide patients. The family of Patrick Barnes established the award after he died from an auto-immune disease while being treated in a Seattle hospital. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System. The Barnes family was thankful for the care he received and created the award to thank bedside nurses for the job they do.
Spears has been caring for patients at the hospital for three years. The Berry College graduate was caught by surprise with the award at the same time his fellow teammates were holding a baby shower for him and his partner Katie Parker, who are expecting a daughter.
“I would like to think I make a difference in the lives of all my patients,” said Spears. “I try to anticipate what they need and treat them with compassion.”
One person who nominated Spears was touched by his friendliness and positive attitude.
“Marcus cared for my father and always had an upbeat personality. He entered the room with a warm ‘Hey Buddy!’ greeting. My father lit up with a smile each time. Marcus would pass the door in the hallway and say ‘There’s my buddy.’ He made my father feel like he had a friend here. His warm friendly engagement truly made a difference in my father’s day,” the family member said.
Another person who nominated Spears for the award said he showed an extraordinary level of care and compassion for the patient and all family members present.
“Marcus showed tender, patient attention as he assisted my mother with getting into and out of the bathroom…not an easy task! He returned to help her again, although it caused him to remain on-duty past the end of his shift,” the nomination letter read. “He could have passed this task on to the nurse on the next shift, but he selflessly served my mother’s needs, and did so in a joyful manner! I am so very thankful for Marcus! He is the best of the best – a true health care hero. God bless him!”