(Media release from Atrium Health Floyd):
November is National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, and Atrium Health Floyd’s Love Light Tree is shining again to highlight the mission of Heyman Hospice Care.
Each light on the tree atop Atrium Health Floyd Medical Center represents a special person in the lives of those touched by Heyman Hospice Care. For a donation of as little as $25, you can name a light in honor or memory of a loved one or caregiver who touched your life. Visit floyd.org/lovelight to donate through Floyd Healthcare Foundation.
Heyman Hospice Care provides compassionate, comfort-oriented care to patients with a life expectancy of less than six months, serving patients and families in Floyd, Chattooga, Polk, Bartow and Gordon counties. The staff and volunteers provide medical care, respite care and social services in the home setting to reduce stress and improve quality of life.
Also, Heyman Hospice Care is again the presenting sponsor of the Christmas Back Home concerts in Rome, scheduled for 7 p.m. Dec. 9 and Dec. 10 at the Rome City Auditorium. Admission is $20 for adults ($25 at the door) and $10 for children ages 6-12 ($15 at the door). Children 5 and under will be admitted free.
Visit www.christmasbackhome.com/tour-dates to purchase tickets in advance. Musician Scott Thompson has again assembled a band to perform a variety of classic Christmas hits as well as country, rock and reggae alternatives.
“Both Christmas Back Home and the Love Light Tree spread a message of hope,” said Casey Blankenship, program director for Heyman Hospice Care. “Family members who are grieving may find a reason to smile when they ride by the hospital and see the lights or hear music that touches their hearts.”