Christmas in Lindale 2022 is set for this Saturday, December 3rd. There will be a Christmas Festival at Gilbreath Park/South 1st Street from 1 pm to 5 pm. A parade will take place at 5:30 pm. Tim Reynolds, President of Restoration Lindale, Inc., enthuses that this will be the first time for the parade to be held at night. It will start on Dragon Drive and end at the First Baptist Church of Lindale. Line up begins at 5 pm at Pepperell Primary School.

Parade participants are asked to bring a toy for the toy drive to benefit kids at Pepperell schools. Reynolds says that he looks forward to making Christmas brighter for kids in need again this year.

The festival will feature food, arts and crafts, train rides, and more, according to Reynolds. He hopes for record attendance at this year’s festival and parade in honor of his late father, who at one time served as Lindale’s Santa Claus.

For more information and event updates, look for Christmas in Lindale 2022 on Facebook.