(Media release from Toles, Temple & Wright, Inc.):
Toles, Temple & Wright, Inc. (TTW) is now collecting donations of new men’s and women’s gloves as part of its Warm Hands, Warm Hearts drive to benefit the Davies Shelters. In addition to gloves, HotHands hand warmers will also be graciously accepted. Items will be delivered to the men’s and women’s shelters throughout December for distribution during the winter months. The drive will continue through Friday, Dec. 30.
“Every day our guests leave the shelter to go to their jobs, appointments, counseling sessions and other kinds of purposeful work,” said Blake Dean, outreach and communications manager at the Davies Shelters. “In the winter months, their ability to stay healthy is often dependent on having easily accessible and compact resources that help them to stay warm.”
Donations can be dropped off at the TTW office at 611 Turner McCall Boulevard during regular business hours; Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. Those wishing to make financial contributions are invited to purchase Amazon gift cards.
“We are so grateful to our friends in the Rome-Floyd community that are helping us meet the practical needs of our guests as they move towards stability,” added Dean.
For more information about the Warm Hands, Warm Hearts glove drive, please call Toles, Temple & Wright at 706-291-0202 or email [email protected].