(From Floyd County Schools, GA):
Floyd County Schools (FCS) is proud to present Mrs. Allison Watson with the first annual Floyd County Schools Media Specialist of the Year award. This award is designed to recognize an outstanding media specialist within Floyd County Schools whose services have resulted in an exemplary media program.
“Congratulations to Mrs. Allison Watson. This award is well-deserved! Mrs. Watson has created an engaging environment where the media center at Pepperell Primary School is the hub for learning, reading, and student engagement. She fosters a love of reading and has created a dynamic, innovative library media program. Floyd County School’s mission for library media programs is to provide quality media, technology, and information services in order to enhance learning and ensure access to ideas and information for all students. Mrs. Watson is dedicated to our mission. Her dedication to her students, teachers, and peer media specialists is top-notch, and her love of reading and learning is contagious,” said FCS Director of Instructional Technology and Library Media Coordinator Celena Arrington.
Mrs. Watson now advances on to compete for the regional Georgia Library Media Association (GLMA) Media Specialist of the Year title, from which she could move on to the state contest.