(Media release from the Georgia Senate Press Office):

On Wednesday, Senate Bill 73, sponsored by Sen. Blake Tillery (R – Vidalia), passed in the Senate with bipartisan support. Senate Bill 73 would revise the current “Anti-Telemarketing” Bill. Under current law, an individual is prohibited from knowingly making or causing telemarketing calls to individuals on the Georgia Do-Not-Call list, SB 73 would remove that “knowing” component in addition to expanding liability for violating the prohibition on unsolicited telemarketing calls.

“For years, Georgians and their families have been bombarded with unnecessary and intrusive phone calls from telemarketers,” said Sen. Tillery. “Telemarketing companies are relentless and will invade a family’s personal and quality time at all costs with no regard or respect. While the “Georgia Do-Not-Call List” has proved to be beneficial, telemarketing companies continue to cut corners invading living rooms and dinner conversations by contracting with companies outside of state lines and even our nation’s borders. After three years of hard work to combat this ongoing issue, SB 73 will further crack down on these invasive companies and provide much needed relief to Georgia families. I am pleased to see this measure pass in the Senate and intend to continue to work with all stakeholders to ensure the bill reaches the Governor’s desk.”

SB 73 passed in the Senate with a vote of 56 to 0. This is the first measure to pass with full support of the entire Senate body.

Read the full text of the bill here: https://www.legis.ga.gov/legislation/63918