The first day of Spring is rapidly approaching, but Old Man Winter has made his presence known in Northwest Georgia this week.
Keith Mickler, University of Georgia Extension Agent for Floyd County, says that the last frost of the season typically happens around mid-April, although the exact date varies from year to year in Northwest Georgia. He adds that the damage caused by a freeze sometimes does not appear until well after the freeze happens.
Whenever freezing temperatures are in the overnight forecast, Mickler urges gardeners to protect plants by covering them with a sturdy blanket or sheet – just be sure to remove the cover when the sun rises and temperatures rise.
Mickler will be among the presenters at the Floyd County Master Gardeners’ workshop on pruning this Saturday, March 18th from 1 pm to 3 pm. That will be held in the parking lot of Second Avenue United Methodist Church. Call the Extension Office for more information at (706) 295-6210.