(Media release from the Georgia House of Representatives Press Office):
State Representative Matt Barton (R-Calhoun) touts the Property Tax Relief Grant program funding included in House Bill 18, the Amended Fiscal Year 2023 (AFY 2023) budget. Proposed by Governor Brian Kemp, this program will provide every eligible Georgia homeowner a chance to receive an $18,000 exemption for their assessed home value on their 2023 property tax bill.
“Instead of spending more money on bigger government, I am proud to have voted ‘yes’ on this legislation that gives financial relief to much-deserving Georgia homeowners,” said Rep. Barton. “While Washington, D.C. fails to act on high inflation, our legislature’s strong Republican leadership team continues to put Georgians first, and this legislation will directly impact the citizens of House District 5.”
During the 2023 legislative session, the Georgia General Assembly dedicated $950 million in the AFY 2023 budget to establish the one-time Property Tax Relief Grant program. This proposal became law when Governor Kemp signed HB 18 on March 13, 2023. The Georgia Department of Revenue (DOR) will be able to reduce the assessed value of Georgia homesteads by $18,000.
Following the preparation of property tax bills, local tax officials will notify the DOR of the total anticipated revenue if all applicable millage rates were applied to all qualified homesteads. The local tax officials apply to the DOR for this money, and the DOR would issue credits to the local taxing authorities accordingly. The credit cannot exceed liability once all applicable homestead exemptions and millage rollbacks have been applied. This exemption will apply to properties claimed as a homestead by a Georgia taxpayer filed prior to the April 1 deadline.
For more information on this program, please click here.
Representative Matt Barton represents the citizens of District 5, which includes portions of Floyd and Gordon counties. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 2019 and currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications and Motor Vehicles committees. He also serves on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Human Resources and the Industry and Labor, Small Business Development and Transportation committees.