(Media release from Floyd County Schools, GA):

The Georgia Department of Education announced last week the recipients of their Teaching and Learning Opportunity Grant winners. Several Floyd County Schools received the grant award, totaling over $65,000, for the Mathematics Manipulatives and Materials Grant, Science Consumable and Equipment Grant and Social Studies Consumable and Equipment Grant.  

“I am thrilled that our schools have been selected as recipients of the GADOE Mathematics Manipulatives and Materials Grant,” stated FCS Math Instructional Specialist, Jennifer White. “With the adoption and implementation of Georgia’s new K-12 Math Standards, our students will engage in mathematics from a hands-on, experiential approach. The funding provided through this grant will support teaching and learning at a deep level.”

The grants will allow Floyd County Schools to expand even more learning options and opportunities for their students in the 2023-24 school year. 

“We are so excited to have been given the opportunity to use these grants for our schools in the math, science and social studies curriculum areas,” said Dr. Laura Timberlake. “The award provided through these grants will be instrumental in the support for teaching our students this school year.” 

About GaDOE Competitive Grants

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Georgia Department of Education is committed to service and support in a collaborative, innovative environment where students have the resources and tools to succeed and be prepared for life. Periodically, funding is available for GaDOE to award to districts and schools in the form of competitive grants, solidifying this commitment to Georgia’s students.